About Us

About Us

The Genitourinary Pathology Society (GUPS) was formed in September of 2018.

GUPS is an official Companion Society of the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology (USCAP)

Our Vision 

To advance the care of patients with urologic diseases through improvements in the subspecialty of urological pathology by enhancing best practices, research and education.

Our Mission 

To promote:

  • Worldwide education of the advances in Urological Pathology to practicing community and academic pathologists

  • An evidenced-based approach to discuss and promote best practices in the field
  • Networking and collaboration of Urological Pathologists, clinicians, and scientists that fosters inter-institutional and international research
  • Incorporation into clinical practice of new techniques, technologies, and methodologies that empower the specialty for a better  understanding of disease pathways and enhancing diagnosis, prognostication, prediction, and prevention

Our Founders

Mahul B. Amin, MD   

John C. Cheville, MD 

Jonathan I. Epstein, MD 

Cristina Magi-Galluzzi, MD, PhD 

Victor E. Reuter, MD 

Kiril Trpkov, MD  

Larry D. True, MD 

Ming Zhou, MD, PhDÂ