1) Genitourinary Pathology Society Award for Excellence in Uropathology Research (Certificate, 1 st place-$500, 2 nd -$400 and 3 rd -$300)
Criteria: Given to a trainee for 3 best uropathology research works presented atUSCAP annual conference.
Selection process: The award committee reviews all uropathology abstracts accepted at the USCAP meeting and selects 3 top abstracts.
2) Genitourinary Pathology Society Lifetime Achievement Award (Wooden engraved plaque)
Criteria: Recognizes and honors GUPS members who have made significant contributions to and a broad impact on the field of urological pathology
Selection process: The award committee in conjunction with the EC nominates a member (s) for the award. EC approves the award recipient.
3) Genitourinary Pathology Society Dr. Ondra Hes Award for Best Kidney Cancer Research (Certificate and $500)
Criteria: This award is established to honor the legacy of Dr. Ondra Hes, a world-renowned kidney cancer pathologist. It is given every year for the best research paper in kidney tumor pathology presented at the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology annual meeting.
Selection process: The award committee (Special committee for this award) selects the best kidney cancer research work presented at the annual USCAP meeting.
4) Genitourinary Pathology Society Outstanding Service Award (Wooden engraved plaque)
Criteria / Selection process : Recognizes and honors GUPS executive committee members who have successfully finished their term and/or made significant contributions to the advancement of functions of society.
5) Genitourinary Pathology Society Certificate for Exemplary Service (Certificate)
Criteria / Selection process : Recognizes and honors GUPS committee chair and/or committee members who have successfully finished their term and/or made significant contributions to the advancement of functions of society.