

A male patient in his 70s presented with a slowly growing left scrotal mass. Scrotal ultrasound examination showed a large 11 x 8 x 5 cm solid and cystic mass within the left hemiscrotum. The testis and epididymis could not be separately identified. CT scan of the chest, abdomen and pelvis showed a large heterogeneous mass in the left para-aortic region 147 x 94 x 87 mm, of which biopsy was inconclusive. The patient subsequently underwent left radical orchidectomy. Male patient in his 70s underwent radical orchidectomy for a slowly growing scrotal mass. @DrLaurenceGalea Contributors :

Laurence A Galea (1), David Pan (2), Adam Scarlett (1)
1. Department of Anatomical Pathology, Melbourne Pathology, Sonic Healthcare, Victoria, Australia
2. Departments of Urology, Austin Health, Monash Health, Cabrini Health and Mulgrave Hospital, Victoria, Australia.