

A female patient in her 40s presented with renal impairment. CT intravenous pyelography demonstrated longstanding right hydronephrosis and hydroureter with lower ureteric obstruction. At ureteroscopy there was a lesion in the right lower ureter that was biopsied (three biopsies, each 1mm). This was followed by right distal ureterectomy and ureteric reimplantation. The first four images are from the diagnostic biopsy and the last image is from the resection specimen. A female patient in her 40s underwent ureteric biopsy for an obstructing ureteric lesion followed by distal ureterectomy and ureteric reimplantation. Contributors :

Laurence A Galea (1), Nicole Lightfoot (1), Vanessa Obers (1), Charles Han (2)
1. Department of Anatomical Pathology, Melbourne Pathology, Sonic Healthcare, Victoria, Australia
2. Department of Urology, Eastern Health, Victoria, Australia.